A liquid fluor finishing additive for very wet conditions
1. On top of bases prepared with fluor powder or compressed fluor glides:
Shake the bottle well prior to application. Spread a thin, even layer of the liquid on top of a brushed, room temperature fluor waxed ski base. Let dry for at least five minutes and brush the coating with a nylon brush. A longer drying time will add and enhance the durability and wear resistance of the waxing.
2. On top of non or low fluor glide waxes:
Shake the bottle well prior to application. Spread a thin, even layer of the liquid on top of a waxed and brushed ski base. Let dry for 3-4 minutes. Spread a second thin layer and let dry for at least five minutes. Rub the dried coating vigorously with a natural cork. The best results are achieved with a mechanical rotocork. When the bases have cooled off completely finish off with a nylon brush. A longer drying time will add and enhance the durability and wear resistance of the waxing.