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Vauhti MF-1 Medium Fluor Powder with Moybden, +10°...-2°C (50°..


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Molybden Fluor Powder, suitable for wet conditions and temperatures just below freezing, -2...-3°C. It is easy to use, even without previous experience of fluor powders. A wax powder in MF-1 protects ski bases from overheating, and the ski bases do not "dry up" as easily as with high fluor powders.

Molybden in the powder effectively reduces dirt contamination


Use HF or LF wax, appropriate for the quality of snow and humidity, as a base wax. Very carefully brush the layer of wax that will be under the layer of powder with a nylon brush. Make sure you brush it sufficiently with a brass or stainless steel brush. The importance of carefully brushing base waxes is especially evident in conditions around the freezing point and in wet conditions. Polish the bottom of the skis before applying the powder.

Iron the powder using the maximum temperature on the waxing iron (Vauhti waxing iron). Cool the ironed area and carefully brush it with a nylon brush. If the snow is clingy or very dirty, then finish off the brushing with a few, light, powder-brass or -stainless steel strokes.

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